
Wednesday, January 27, 2016


Man, oh MAN, I LOVE Perogies = YUMOLA!!!
(makes 65-70)

4 cups all-purpose flour
1 t. veg.* oil
1&1/2 cups warm water
1 t. sea* salt
1 egg

Mashed potatoes from 8-10 russets*
Bacon bits
Green onions, chopped
Grated sharp* cheddar
Kosher* salt and freshly* ground pepper

To make the dough: Mix flour and salt in a large bowl, then all the rest of the ingredients. Knead dough until you have a smooth elastic consistency and dough no longer sticks to counter. Lightly oil a bowl and place dough inside. Cover with a cloth or plastic wrap and set aside for 1 hour.

For the filling: After potatoes are mashed, add rest of the ingredients to desired taste. Season with S&P*. Mix until the cheese is well blended.

Perogi Preparation: Cut dough ball into 4 pieces. Taking one piece at a time, roll out as you would for pie dough on a lightly floured surface. Dough will be elastic and spring back, but keep rolling, adding flour as needed. Cut dough into strips and place tablespoons of filling evenly spaced in the middle of each strip. Fold dough over filling and crimp closed with a fork or your fingers. Cut between each covered mound and crimp closed. Follow this procedure with each piece of dough. Place Perogies on floured cookie sheet and place in freezer bag when frozen, for cooking later.

Cooking instructions: Place frozen Perogies in boiling water and boil until they float. Remove and sauté in Kerrygold* butter until lightly crisp and golden*. Serve plain or with a dollop of sour cream. Perogies can be cooked fresh as well. This recipe is Russian and Ukranian in origin. Fillings can also be made with plain mashed potatoes, cottage cheese, or sauerkraut.

"Your mind will always believe everything you tell it. Feet it Faith. Feed it Truth. Feed it with love."

Have FUN today!!!



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