
Friday, February 13, 2015

Creme Celeste

A very elegant (and incredibly EASY) dessert that will "wow" your sweetie(s)!
(serves 2 or 6 depending on how you make it)

1 cup heavy cream
1/2 cup sugar
1&1/2 t. unflavored gelatin
3 T. cold water
1 cup sour cream
2 T. kirsch
Raspberries* or a raspberry sauce* topped with the berries
Mint sprigs*

Combine sugar and cream in a saucepan and cook until sugar is dissolved. Soften gelatin in cold water and stir into cream mixture. When gelatin is thoroughly dissolved, beat in sour cream with a wire whisk. Beat only until mixture is thoroughly blended and smooth. Stir in the kirsh. Pour into a lightly oiled 2 cup mold or you can use small custard cups or ramekins. Chill for 4 hours then unmold and top with raspberries and mint sprigs.

"Open your eyes so you can SEE what needs to be done to help others today".

And, have FUN - it's Friday!!!!!


MM (Machete Milletti)

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