
Monday, December 17, 2012

Ginger Veggie Stir-fry

For a "meatless Monday":
(makes 6 servings)

1 T. cornstarch
2* cloves of garlic, minced
2 t. FRESH ginger, chopped and divided (this will make all the  difference in the world!!)
1/4 cup veg. oil, divided
1 small head of broccoli, cut into florets
1 small red bell pepper*, cut into julienne strips
1/2 cup Chinese mushrooms*
1/2 cup sliced water chestnuts*
1/2 cup Mung bean sprouts*
1/2 cup snow peas or sugar snaps*
3/4 cup julienned carrots
1/2 cups halved green beans
3 green onions, chopped including greens
2 T. Ponzu Citrus Sauce* (soy)
1 T. fish sauce
2&1/2 T. water
1/2* t. sea salt
1 t. fresh lemon juice

In a large bowl, blend cornstarch, garlic, 1 t. ginger, and 2 T. oil until cornstarch is dissolved. Mix in veggies, tossing lightly to coat. Heat remaining oil in a large skillet or wok over med. heat. Cook veggies stirring constantly for 2 mins. Stir in Ponzu, fish sauce and water. Mix in onion, salt, and remaining ginger. Cook until veggies are crisp tender. Squeeze on lemon juice right before serving. Fluffy white rice is recommended to accompany, but I would use orzo.

"You can't impact the treeness of a tree, the skyness of the sky, or the rockness of a rock. Nor can you affect the love of God for you". My heart and tears are with Newtown, Conn.



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