
Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Blueberry Muffin Cookies

"Morph a morning classic into an anytime treat with an assist from a pantry mainstay". Saw this in the paper, and just had to share!! Remember, when you see I have used an asterisk, it denotes any changes or suggestions I would make to the original recipe. Bon Appetit!!
(makes 20-22 cookies)

1 box blueberry muffin mix
Coconut* oil cooking spray or 2 sheets parchment paper
3/4 cup old-fashioned oats
1/3 cup plus 2 T. canola or veg*. oil
1/4 cup light brown sugar
1 large egg, beaten
2 T. whole* milk, plus 1-2 T. more, divided
1&1/2 cups powdered sugar
2 T. Kerrygold* butter, melted
1/2 t. lemon zest
2 T. fresh* lemon juice

Preheat oven to 375. Coat two baking sheets with cooking spray or line with parchment paper. Stir together blueberry muffin mix, oats, oil, sugar, egg, and 2 T. milk in a large bowl until a dough forms. Drop rounded tablespoons onto baking sheets. Bake 8-10 min. until tops are light golden brown and  enters appear just set. Cool on baking sheets. Whisk together powdered sugar, melted butter, lemon zest and juice, plus 1-2 T. milk until glossy and pourable. Drizzle over cookies. Allow glaze to set before serving.

"If the grass looks greener on the other side.....stop staring, stop complaining, and start watering the grass you're standing on!"


Machete Milletti (aka chef Deb)

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