
Monday, August 25, 2014

Crab Eggs Benedict

Oooooo La La!!
(6 servings)

6 large egg yolks
1/4 cup freshly squeezed* lemon juice
2 T. Dijon mustard
1&1/2 cups melted unsalted butter
1/2 t. Kosher* salt
1/8 t. freshly ground white* pepper
1/8 t. (or less*) cayenne pepper
6 sour dough* English muffins
3 cups Dungeness crab, pick over and at room temp.
12 large eggs

To make the hollandaise sauce: In the bottom of a double boiler or in a med. saucepan, bring 1" water to a simmer over high heat and adjust heat to main simmer. Put egg yolks, lemon juice, and mustard in the top of the double boiler or in a round-bottomed med. bowl and set over simmering water. Whisk yolk mixture to blend. Whisking constantly, add butter in a slow, steady stream to yolk mixture (it should take about 90 secs.). Cook sauce, whisking until til reaches 140, then adjust heat to maintain temp. (remove from simmering water if necessary). Add S&P, and cayenne and continue whisking until thick, about 3 mins. (see, you have already done your workout for the day - wha wha wha*). Adjust seasonings to taste. Remove from stove and set aside.

Preheat oven to 450. Split Eng. muffins and arrange on a baking sheet in a single layer. Bake until toasted, about 5 mins. Put muffin halves on each plate and top with crab, dividing evenly.

To poach the eggs: Bring 1" water to a boil in a 12" wide pan. Lower heat so that small bubbles form on bottom of pan and break to the surface only occasionally. Crack eggs into water, 1 at a time, holding shells close to the water's surface and letting eggs slide out gently. Poach eggs, in 2 batches to keep them from crowding, 3-4 mins. for soft-cooked. Lift eggs out with a slotted spoon, pat dry with a paper towel, and place 1 egg on each crab-topped muffin half. Top each egg with 2-3 T. reserved hollandaise sauce, and serve hot.

Don't ease up, but pursue joy!! And, have FUN doing it.



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