
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Toasted Coconut Banana Custard

This sounds absolutely DELISH:
(makes 2 servings)

1 fully ripe medium banana, peeled and diced
Dash cinnamon
1 &1/2 t. brown sugar*
2 medium eggs, beaten
1 cup 2% milk*
Shredded coconut, toasted*

Spoon banana into two ramekins or small baking dish. Sprinkle with cinnamon. In a mixing bowl combine brown sugar and eggs. Heat milk in a saucepan (do not boil). Pour a little into eggs to temper them. Add egg mixture to remaining milk in saucepan, stirring constantly. Dividing equally, pour over banana. Place cups or baking dish in a pan of hot water half way up the sides, and bake at 375 20-25 mins. or until set. Refrigerate, and serve cold topped with coconut. Makes me want to wag my tail :).

"Serve well. Serve with joy!"

Carpe Diem!!



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