
Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Sweet Potato Burgers (veggie)

"When you take a bite, the first surprise is that the sweet potato doesn't squish out the way so many veggie burgers do. The second is the interplay of flavors. You will taste, inhale, and start thinking about when to make these again. And again.
(serves 4)

2 scallions
1/2 t. ground coriander
1/2 t. ground Sichuan pepper
1/2 t. freshly ground black pepper
2 T. red wine vinegar
3 black garlic cloves (can be found at Trader Joe's, Whole Foods, and other stores)
1/4 t. kosher* salt, or more as needed
2 med. sweet potatoes (12-16 oz. each), scrubbed and dried
4 t. EVOO
2 T. coarse sea salt
4 soft hamburger buns, preferably sesame, lightly toasted
4 oz. block feta cheese, crumbled
Leaves from 3 steam fresh oregano, chopped

Position an oven rack 4-6" from the broiler; preheat to broil. Line a baking sheet with foil. Cut the green parts of the scallions, placing them on the baking sheet in a single layer. Broil them until blackened, 8-10 min., then transfer to a mini food processor or blender. Reduce the oven to 400. Thinly sliced the white parts of the scallions, and reserve them for garnishing the burgers. Add the coriander, Sichuan pepper, black garlic, and 1/4 t. kosher salt to the burnt scallion tops; puree until smooth. Taste, and add more salt, as needed. You should have about 2 T. of sauce. Place the sweet potatoes on the same foil-lined baking sheet., rub each with 2 t. of the oil and sprinkle each with 1 T. of the coarse salt. Roast until they are completely soft to  skewer, 45 min. to 1 hour. Make a shallow cut (just through the skin) of each sweet potato, and peel off the skins. Use a large spoon to carefully scoop out two halves from each potato, trying to keep the flesh in one piece without mashing. Discard the skins. Gently shape the sweet potato flesh, being careful to not mash it., into 4 thick round patties(about 1/2 cup's worth of flesh each. Use a spatula to place sweet potato patty on each bottom bun. Brush black garlic sauce on each patty, then crumble the feta on each. Top with the sliced scallion whites, oregano, and the top buns. Serve warm.

Back from Vegas!! I had a blast, but so glad to be home!!!

"To God be the Glory, great things He hath done."


Chef Deb

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